I am Amber Keeley. I have been a dancer all my life. I trained in many mediums and competed with gusto until I was eleven. I moved to classical ballet in junior high and loved every moment, challenging my body and mind. I was incredibly lucky to be trained by true masters who pushed me to my full potential. Principal dancers from American Ballet Theatre (ABT), Royal Winnipeg Ballet and NYCB taught me classical ballet technique and molded me as an artist. I performed as Clara in the Nutcracker with Pacific Northwest Ballet and learned that I loved acting through dance. I stopped dancing at age 16 as life got sticky and my interest in film making distracted me. My first semester in college I took a ballet class that made me realize I was meant to be a dance teacher.

In 1993 I began teaching and I always tried to give my students the passion for dancing that I felt as a student. I always loved dancing and performing. It's so exciting for me to help bring people into another world when on stage! I love the feeling of movement and challenging myself every day. I want my students to feel that magic and know they have it inside of themselves.

I was told a lot growing up that I would never be a dancer. This was because of my height - a mere 5 feet. I was always baffled hearing that, especially from teachers, because to me I already was a dancer… I mean, come on, you’re looking right at me! And, so then, what I really wanted to ask them was - what am I doing here every day?! But I danced because I loved it. I never worried too much about any future doom people would put on me as far as whatever I decided professionally I wanted to do. I wasn’t dancing because I wanted to be in a row of swans anyway. I just loved doing what I was doing. Love the classroom and fire up the stage. This is what I did as a child and this is what I teach my students to do now.

I want everyone around me to feel powerful, to know they ARE a dancer, an actor, an artist. I’ve always trained my students to BE YOU.

My husband and I were blessed with two gorgeous little girls. When our eldest was about 3 years old, I knew she was supposed to be a boy. That’s the only way I could put it. We let things ride out naturally, watching our daughter grow and realizing she was really our son and supporting as best we could. I had always told my students BE YOU. Here was my true test. When Sayer was in 7th grade he began his transition. It was beautiful. Hard. Heartbreaking. Glorious. Devastating. Inspiring.

Sayer had a very public transition. It was difficult at school. He moved to SPCPA and that was good. TikTok fame made it wonderful and terrible. I had been directing the school at Out on a Limb Dance Company for the last 20 years and they were supportive. He was heavily involved in Stages Theatre Company and they were arms completely wide open for him. That was his second home from age 10-17. Stages and the people there are priceless!

Needless to say, we have all grown beyond measure in the last 7 years. Sayer is now a freshman at Hamiline University and living his best life. It’s been absolutely amazing!

Spring Dance and Theatre Academy came out of a need for me to feel that I am creating a safe space for all, especially youth in the LGBTQ+ community, to really feel safe and supported. It’s for all of us who want to train and thrive and not be told “you’ll never be.” Spring is for everyone who wants to work hard, create and dream and love and make magic.

